Chick Days
Chick Days are here!! This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone to embark on the rewarding experience of raising chickens. The experience of raising a flock is one the whole family can enjoy. When starting your flock make sure to have a home for them, waterers, feeders, and feed. Choosing the right breed is step one in starting your own flock. Are you looking for a laying breed, meat bread, or a dual bread? Once you have the breeds chosen make sure you have housing for the chicks. Chicks will need to be kept warm during the cold months using a heat lamp. Selecting a chick stater feed is the next step. Medicated Chick Starter is for chicks that have not be vaccinated against coccidious. Non-Medicated Chick Starter is for those chicks that have been vaccinated against coccidious. The last few things to consider is the size and style of waterer and feeder and what to us for creating a run.
Stores will be receiving chick orders every other week, starting March 1st, and on the off weeks, our stores place their own orders. To find out which breeds are arriving, please check with your local store. If you’re looking for a specific breed, you can also special order it anytime by working with your local store.
- Primary Use: Egg
- Egg Production: Approx. 240-250 Annually
- Egg Color: Blue
Buff Orpington
- Primary Use: Egg and Meat
- Egg Production: Approx. 220 Annually
- Egg Size: Medium
- Egg Color: Brown
- Temperament: Docile, Calm, Gentle
Cornish Rock Broilers
- Primary Use: Meat
- Egg Color: White/Light Brown
ISA Brown
- Primary Use: Egg
- Egg Production: Approx. 320 Annually
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Brown
- Temperament: Docile
- Store Arrival Date: March 15th
Plymouth Barred Rock
- Primary Use: Egg
- Egg Production: Approx. 210 Annually
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Brown
- Temperament: Calm
Rhode Island Reds
- Primary Use: Egg and Meat
- Egg Production: Approx. 260 Annually
- Egg Size: X-Large
- Egg Color: Brown
- Temperament: Hardy
Hatchery Choice Duckling
- Use: Egg, Pest Control, Meat
- Egg Production: Approx.100-290 Annually
- Egg Color: White-Bluish Green
- Breeds Based on Hatchery Availablity
Sapphire Gem
- Use: Eggs
- Egg Production: 200-290 Annually
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Brown
Silver Laced Wyandotte
- Primary Use: Eggs
- Egg Production: 4 per week
- Egg Size: Medium
- Egg Color: Cream or Light Brown
- Temperament: Docile
Sapphire Gem
- Use: Eggs
- Egg Production: 5-6 per week
- Egg Size: Large
- Egg Color: Brown
Black Sex Link
- Primary Use:
- Egg Production: Approx.
- Egg Size:
- Egg Color:
- Temperament:
Special Ordering Chicks
- When choosing the right breed the store's staff can guide you through the selection process.
- Chicks arrive at the stores every few weeks.
- If there is a breed you that is not stocked special ordering allows you get the chicks that best suit your needs and preferences.
Supplies For Starting Your Flock
Supplies For Starting Your Flock
Top Poultry Sellers
Check out these great items featured in this weeks Bomgaars flyer!
Top Poultry Sellers
Check out these great items featured in this weeks Bomgaars flyer!
- Bomgaars Feeds 16% Layer Crumble Feed, 80966, 40 LB BagRating:100%Sale $10.29 Regular Price $10.99